PMX Consultant

Wake up when the sun rises and enjoy breakfast with the family. After dropping off the little one at the day care, you take a slight detour on your bike (obviously a consultant working in the Netherlands) to stop at your neighborhood coffee joint. Back at home you check the calendar, projects and deliverables while enjoying your cup of joe and contemplate.

Caffeine gets you running by 9 and you are in the zone, off to your first 2-hour high productivity block. While constantly double-checking your and your peer’s work, you discover a hiccup in the data and/or analysis. Time to put your heads together. So, you call your data analyst and your project lead. To your surprise, they accommodate your request to sacrifice some time from their busy schedules, the perks of working for a small consulting company! Problem nearly solved within 30 minutes (or 1 to 2-hours if minor data update is required). Analysis is coming together and on schedule; looking good!

Lunch break and coffee to finalize the preliminary results (seems contradictory but nothing is final until it is QC’ed) and prepare a presentation for the upcoming afternoon meeting with your North American client. Another internal meeting and then it is time to shine. You pat yourself on the back for a great meeting, but there is always an additional request. You are happy to accommodate it despite your afternoon slump. Hop on the bike, pick up the little one from day care and get re-energized for your final stretch. Rerunning the simulations per your client’s request is a manageable feat by virtue of clean and reproducible R and NONMEM coding. Now quickly update the report and implement the simulation amendments into LaTex and you can call it a day and enjoy some family time.


Our succes in integrating information into models that generate unique insights, allowing executives to make better drug development decisions, is reflected in our gold-standard research publications.

qPharmetra is always on the lookout for new talent

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